CubaPLUS Magazine

MESOL will contribute to the operation of the Meliá Cuba hotels

By: CubaPLUS Magazine
Jul 23, 2024
MESOL will contribute to the operation of the Meliá Cuba hotels

MESOL Gestión Hotelera Turística,  importing entity of Meliá Hotels International, will be in charge of facilitating the management of the establishments managed by that Spanish company specialized in the Caribbean island, it was reported in Havana this Tuesday.

Established at the beginning of this year, under the MESOL brand, the new institution will work numerous product lines, including food, beverages, artistic media, sporting, recreational and entertainment, lingerie, gastronomic supplies, kitchenware, cleaning items, means of protection and supplies related to the maintenance and technical services, according to the press release  by Meliá Cuba.

To plan imports, we have worked in close exchange with the hotels and have taken advantage of relationships with prestigious and long-standing suppliers, a trajectory maintained with Meliá Hotels International, while alliances were created with new suppliers. Although Spain is emerging as the main origin of imports, MESOL plans to expand its contacts towards Caribbean and Latin American countries, treating with absolute priority national productions, adds the information.

It also points out that for this it will have a distribution network that includes the nationalization of its products, transportation and storage, while the appropriate flows of purchasing and delivery will allow to maintain the high quality of service that characterizes the Meliá Hotels International accommodations in all destinations.

In this way, the company's commitment to offering each guest the best of the experiences and contributing to the tourism development of the largest of the Antilles, the press release points out finally.

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