CubaPLUS Magazine

Grupo Cubanacan presents a new campaign to improve the quality of its services

By: By Mercy Ramos
Jun 30, 2024
Grupo Cubanacan presents a new campaign to improve the quality of its services

  “Do it with C” ( Hazlo con C) is the name of the new campaign of the Cubanacan Group, whose objective is to increase the quality of services through motivation, performance and improvement of the management of its workers to achieve greater customer satisfaction.

  This motivational campaign was presented this Saturday before sector specialists, authorities of the Ministry of Tourism (Mintur) and the specialized press by the president of the group, Jorge Alberto García, who explained in detail what that promotional program consists of. “The campaign aims to improve, motivate performance and management in search of greater customer satisfaction. It is aimed at our workers, managers and staff, who decide the quality of the tourist product we offer and are the active protagonists of the campaign,” he highlighted.

cubanacan-1.jpg  The letter C, he added, strongly marks the name of our country: Cuba, and defines our geographical position, the Caribbean. It is also the first letter of our group Cubanacan, which in addition, on August 5, it will celebrate 37 years of accumulated experience, providing services and satisfying our customers: that is, providing quality. It also means that ¨Do it with C¨, contains very important terms for the triumph of Cuban hospitality such as: courtesy, commitment, heart, comfort, culture, competence, create, correct, harvest, perseverance, change and others that also point out that ¨Do it with C¨ mean dedicated, committed and conscious professionals.

  More than a strategy aimed at internal work, ¨Do it with C¨ will become the engine driver for the development of initiatives, import substitution, creation and motivation for each job, he emphasized. The campaign will reflect the potential and talent of our human capital, generating better recognition and positioning of the products we offer and, with it, greater marketing, he said. He finally extended an invitation to all involved to enjoy the experiences of “our workers and their experiences because we are all part of this great campaign.”

  ¨For her part, the vice minister of tourism Yamily Aldama, expressed her satisfaction with ¨Do it with C¨ and she considered it wonderful and that it will help Cuban tourism. “I am convinced that it will have great results because if a group knows how to carry out a motivational campaign it is Cubanacan,” she assured.

  This is an important moment. It represents a lot for Cuba. Therefore, every time let's say with commitment, let's think about Cuba; With love, let's also think about Cuba, she said. “We must increasingly carry out actions and activities with the highest possible quality to achieve an increasing number of visitors to the destination, and reverse all media campaigns against Cuban tourism, which affects us.

  I am convinced that Cubanacan with C will achieve it with flying colors and so will its entire team. These dedicated professionals, “Committed, they will achieve the expected results,” she finally highlighted.

  The presentation that took place at the Copacabana hotel in the capital, belonging to Cubanacan, It was also attended by Yaima Suárez Rifa, vice president of Marketing and Laima Girón Salazar, director of Quality, both of the group, as well as Grisel López Fumero, director of Mintur Quality.

  Cubanacan currently has 117 hotels in practically all destinations in the island with a total of 16,500 rooms that develop the Sun and Beach modalities, Culture and Heritage and Nature.

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